Monday, December 23, 2013

What does your office cleanliness say about you

Many office buildings and workplaces around the world get their cleaning done by professional cleaning companies or by cleaners who are on the payroll. This is all well and good but anyone who works or has worked in an office will know that despite the good job that office cleaners do, the office or workplace can still be a messy and germ-filled environment.
Professional cleaners are tasked with the job of doing the necessary general cleaning – which among other things entails carpet cleaning, wiping down office equipment, cleaning reception areas, toilets and other communal areas etc. The mess or uncleanliness of some office environments is by and large due to the fact that individual workers do not keep their desks or personal workspaces clean and tidy.

Is Your Desk A True Reflection of You?
Does having an untidy desk or workspace mean that an individual is just as untidy and messy in their home or domestic environment? And can we also assume that the same principle applies to the owners of clean and spotless desks?
Unfortunately whether you like it or not (or whether it is true or not) your co-workers will and do form opinions or judge you based on how clean and tidy you are in the workplace.  An untidy desk can simply be due to a heavy workload or busy schedule and this is quite understandable and many office workers can relate to that. On the other hand, dirty cups, containers or plates on the desk, half-eaten sandwiches and other unhygienic personal habits are more than likely a true reflection of someone true character. Such poor hygiene standards in the office are not only unacceptable in the work place but they are also quite possibly a true indication of one’s domestic cleaning habits and personal hygiene.

There are also some office workers who are at the other end of the scale and they go over the top when it comes to keeping their desks and personal workspace clean. Such OCD tendencies also give a true reflection of an individual’s cleaning habits at home, however I guess it is preferable to work with such individuals rather than slobs. Unhygienic desks and office equipment are a breeding ground for germs and therefore pose a health risk to all those in that environment; office cleanliness is therefore essential. Taking the time (5 minutes or so) to wipe down computer keyboards, mice, chairs, phones etc. can go a long way in improving cleanliness in the office, and a healthy environment leads to a healthier, happier more productive workplace.

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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Green Cleaning

Be environmentally friendly and clean

When you are choosing the company who you would like to do your cleaning, you need to ensure that you are able to make the right decision, and one that you would not regret. With this being the case, it is vital that you think about everything possible when you are choosing, and one of the things that you will want to think about is whether the company that you've chosen are friendly to the environment or not. There are a number of janitorial services that use green cleaning methods, and there is a chance that this could be something that would be worthwhile in the long term.

The best thing about using such a service is the fact that not only are you able to do great things for the good of the planet, but you are also going to be helping to improve the health of the people who work with you. When you are constantly using cleaning fluids, you might find that over time they would get into the lungs of the people who are also in the building, and this could contribute to a number of different conditions. You may feel that it is insignificant at the moment, however things could build up and prove to be a problem in future life.

Not only could green janitorial services help with this, but you will also find that the furniture in your office would last for a lot longer if you took the time to think about the types of cleaning fluid that you were using on them. The more harsh fluids can wear away at the furniture, and this could mean that it looks as though it is damaged, and would need to be replaced much more often. Using green cleaning supplies can help to reduce this type of damage, as you would not be putting chemicals on it that were quite as harsh on the furniture. .

In general, you should find that choosing from the many janitorial services that offer green cleaning can help you to improve the way that your place of work is able to run. Not only will it mean that you won't have to replace the furniture as often, but you will also not have to worry about the health of your staff, as this is something else that will be taken care of by your new and improved cleaning regime.

Commercial cleaning types

Commercial cleaning types

If you are interested in knowing more about commercial cleaning, then you could find that you would like to know about the various different types that you can have. In general, there are three main types of commercial cleaning that you should know about.
The first type is residential commercial cleaning, and this is useful if you live in a house that is just too big for you to clean on your own. If this is the case for you, then you might find that it would help for you to hire a company who could take care of everything for you, as this would mean that you wouldn't have to worry about whether your home would be clean and tidy enough for any visitors that should happen to arrive in the near future.

Another type of commercial cleaning is the kind of cleaning company who just cleans carpets. These types tend to get more one off work rather than contract work, because carpets only need to be cleaned every now and again, meaning that the company will need to be in contact with a lot of different people in order to fill their work schedule. You will find that this type of company will be very good at what they do, and they will be able to give you plenty of information about the type of cleaning that your carpet needs.

Then, you have the main type of commercial cleaning that is the best if you run your own business. They are willing to come into your place of work however often you want them to, whether that happens to be on a daily basis or less often, and they can take care of everything that needs to be done. This is useful if you always feel as though you are stretched to be able to get everything done in time, because it would mean that you would no longer have to think about the cleaning at all.
Ultimately, a commercial cleaning company could help to take some of the pressure away from you, no matter what kind of business or home you happen to run. With so many options open to you in the modern world of cleaning, you are sure to be able to find the perfect company that will suit your needs, and this means that you can look forward to everything being taken care of properly.

Health and safety floor cleaning

Health and safety floor cleaning

If you are the person who is in charge of any numbers of people in your place of work, then you will know just how vital it is to make sure that the place is safe for them to work in. If they are harmed whilst they are working for you then there is a chance that this could bring terrible consequences both on yourself as a business owner and on the business as a whole. For this reason, making sure that the entire place is as safe as possible is something that is well worth doing.

One of the main things that you need to take a look at is your commercial floor cleaning routine. This is due to the fact that if there is a lot of dirt on the floors people may slip and harm themselves, and this could get you into trouble. Instead of allowing this to be the case, you should do everything that you can in order to keep the floors clean and tidy.

If you don't have the time, then there is always the option of hiring a commercial floor cleaning service, as you should find that they would be able to do everything for you. They would not even need to be watched while they did the cleaning, which means that you would almost be able to forget that it was even happening at all. This would be a great thing if you know that you work in a busy building, as it would certainly reduce the disruption that can be experienced on a daily basis.

You should take your time before deciding who you would like to hire, as this decision could stay with you for a long time, particularly if you are wanting to have a long term relationship with those who you are hiring. If you make the right choice, you should find that the commercial floor cleaning company that you hire are able to make a big difference to the safety of the business that you run, and this means that your mind will be at rest about a number of things in the future. Certainly, it will mean that the people who come to visit you would get a better impression of the business that you run, and this should lead to you getting a great deal more business from those who you have impressed in the future.

How janitorial services can improve your business

How janitorial services can improve your business

janitorial servicesIf you are the one who is trying to run a business, then you will no doubt be constantly thinking about the things that you could do to improve it. You might not have even thought of the fact that changing the way that you clean the place could do this, however you should certainly think about janitorial services for a number of reasons.

The first of these is because of who might be doing your cleaning at the moment. If you are trying to do it on your own, then there is a chance that this could be taking a lot away from what you could be doing for the good of your business in another way. If you are asking the people who work for you to deal with the cleaning, then you could find that they start to get a little resentful of this fact, as it certainly wouldn't be the job that they had in mind when they applied to work with you.
With this being the case, it is certain that janitorial services could provide you with a great improvement to your business. You could also find that you would be able to save some money, and this is thanks to the fact that you would not have to pay them as much as you might have to pay your other staff.

In addition to this, they would be able to do a much better job because of the fact that it is what they were trained to do. This means that they wouldn't have to waste any time doing the things again that they did wrong the first time, and you would therefore have to pay for fewer hours.
Also, janitorial services would be able to get all of the equipment that they needed in order to do a good job, and therefore they wouldn't have to store anything in your place of work. This could save you some money because you wouldn't have to pay for extra storage space, and you could therefore use that money to do something useful for your business in the long term.
Ultimately, you should find that janitorial services would be able to improve your business in great ways. Therefore, you can be sure that you could look forward to a great business in the long term thanks to your investment into the cleaning early on in your business.

We are a local Los Angeles, California Janitorial Service Company. Please check our page here.

Save time with Los Angeles commercial cleaning

Save time with commercial cleaning

If you are in charge of a workplace, you may find that you are constantly annoyed by the amount of time that you seem to be spending dealing with the cleaning. If this is the case for you, then you might think that it is a dream to be able to imagine a time where you no longer had to be thinking about the cleaning at all. If this is the case, then it sounds as though you could do with a Los Angeles commercial cleaning company.

This type of company are able to do almost any cleaning task that you would require, and this means that you would no longer have to do any of it on your own. They can also work with you to think about a schedule that you could work to, and this means that if you want them to come every day they would be able to do this, but if you would prefer for them to come something like twice monthly then this is also something that they would be able to work with.

Because you would have spent so much time thinking about the cleaning in the past, you might actually be surprised by the amount of money that a commercial cleaning company could save you in the long term. It might only be when you stop to think about the number of working hours that are being taken up by the cleaning that you realise just how much more you could do with this time if you could stop doing the cleaning.

It is important that you do as much research as you can about the commercial cleaning company that you choose to hire, as this then means that you would be able to ensure that you make the right decision at the end of the process. You should take your time, and ask as many questions as you possibly can to the company that you are interviewing at the time. This means that you would be able to work out whether they were going to be the right commercial cleaning company for the job that you had in mind, and also whether you would be able to work together or not. In the long term, you should find that the effort that you make now pays off, with plenty of opportunity for you to think of new ways to increase profits now that you don't have to think about the cleaning.

Clean your office every day

Clean your office every day

One thing that a lot of people do their best to put off is office cleaning. This is due to the fact that it can often feel as though it is never ending, however you may feel that you will cope better if you simply have a plan to be able to deal with it.
Possibly the best office cleaning tip is to make sure that everybody in your office is responsible for one part. This should include the desk at which they work, and they should then take it in turns to clean the other parts of the office that are used by everybody. You should find that each person only has to do this every so often if you share it out in this way, and it will be much better if you share the responsibility.
Another trick is to make sure that everybody knows where all of their rubbish should go, and how they should deal with any paperwork that they have on their desk. One of the main reasons that offices can feel so cluttered is because of the fact that people don't take the time to do their filing as they go through their working day, and this means that by the time it gets to the stage where they start to think about it, there is a lot of rubbish everywhere, and it can seem like a task that they would rather avoid. Instead, you should ensure that they know that it is the company policy that filing should be done during the day rather than at the end of the day, and this should help.

You should also make sure that you set a specific time for the cleaning to be done. If you simply say that you would like your staff to clean their desks once each day, there is a chance that it is something that they would forget about, however if you ask them to clean it every day at the end of the lunch hour, then they will fit it in, because everybody will be doing the same thing at the same time.
In general, as long as you make sure that you do all of these things, you should find that office cleaning doesn't need to be something that you dread, and that it can be taken care of quite easily provided that you make a plan and stick to it.